Here’s me and Louise Terry having our earliest “Electric Dreams”…
(thanks to bec stegh for the photo)
Here’s me and Louise Terry having our earliest “Electric Dreams”…
(thanks to bec stegh for the photo)
In addition to the Glitch Western series Spoole did a bunch of other shows around the traps… here’s some of our old dates n flyers..
presented by Brisbane Powerhouse in association with ::ROOM40:: and SOOB
Straight Out of Brisbane 2004
A mix of electronics, abstract beats, experimental music and improvisation – fun for all the family, even the kids!
Featuring performances from:
Frost (launching Steelwound)
Spoole & Future Eater (live AV set)
Joel Stern & Anthony Guerra (from Sydney, London)
Fenella Kernebone (Triple J’s Sound Lab)
+ other guests
Electrofringe Panel Discussion and Performance
Title: PoliticKunstVideo
Description: How artists use video in different ways to reveal the political sublime.
Feat: Spoole : Live Popglitch humour
EmileZile-(Video munch)
Angelica mesiti :Serial
7’s-The Kings Pins.
Scratch Cinema – fri nite / Jul 11th – Loop
With pixels as easily sampled & mutated as sound, an emerging breed of audiovisualists
are busy carving up the territories that lay between cinematic storytelling and the dancefloor bootylicious.
Using loops, layers, live processing, FX and editing, tonight showcases some of the approaches possible for ‘Improvised cinema’.
Spoole – aka Spanna (Anna) & Poole (Jean ) – live AV mash-up
Future Eater – live soundtrack 2 Schwarzenegger
Cicada (video) vs AI Yamamoto & QUOCKENZOCKER (audio)
Slimy (Tas) – downtempo glitchery with homemade VCR-Turntable~!!
23 Meyers Place, melbourne city
MELB: Sun 20 April @ Rob Roy Hotel, Fitzroy
+ Antideluvian Rockinghorse, Barrage, the Go’s, Future Eater, Sol, SelfHelp, Spoole (live AV set) & Casionova
dLux Dataterra Interalia Closing Party
9pm till late, Sat 7th Dec 2002 $5.
The Chocolate Factory
Level 2, 144 Cleveland St, Chippendale
accelerate into osmotic overdrive – a maze of image, sound and text resonating for one night as an oscillating narrative
InterAlia [definition: among other things] is dLux media arts research laboratory of experimental media art collaborations and live audio / visual data processing. InterAlia is the last event of the futurescreen02 : data terra program and will metamorphose into our Closing PartyĆ
InterAlia:: media lab for the construction of experimental situations, rendering as an audio/visual/performative environment whereby an oscillating narrative of image, sound and text will be hacked, patched and re/screened for live contexts. Audience and party goers alike are invited to embrace an accelerating drive of content and concern mediated digitally.
InterAlia situates itself within our information saturated reality and focuses on artists’ creative manipulation and subversion of data using new technologies and their own specially modified digital tools.
A stellar line-up of Sydney AV + performance artists have been invited to engage with the fs02::data terra thematic. Lalila, Cicada, Ciindi, Jason Gee, Spanna, Wade Marynowskj, Alex Davies, Ian Andrews, Peggy Wallach and Veren Grigorev will compose discreet sets of audio / visual or performative / textual material with following timeframes; / 1 x 5 min / 1 x 10 min /1 x 20 min.
These sets will be mixed live resulting in a site-specific choreography…
enter the INTERALIA mist…
and then – party on with the ‘DIFFERENCE ENGINE’
Straight Out Of Brisbane 2002
Time: 08.00 PM till 12.00 AM
Date: 23.11.2002
Cost: $12
Venue: ArtCom warehouse New Farm (corner Commercial Rd and Arthur Tce)
Our massive Saturday night party fresh from a gorgeous warehouse
space, SOOB brings you the audio/visual extravaganza of VIDEO BLITZ.
An audio/visual extravaganza! Beat benders and visualisers unite to
create wide-screen, surround sound sensory treats. Way too many
DeF 1 (strudel – sydney), KID KAY FERRIS (nine09 records), JAMIE
De-mystifying the technical aura of vjamming
Time: 04.00 PM till 06.00 PM
Date: 24.11.2002
Cost: $0
Venue: Secuumb Space, 5 Wynn St the Valley
De-mystifying the technical aura of vjamming – an exploration of
different approaches, software and hardware for creating live
audiovisual vjamming techniques. This inludes mac and PC software, as
well as max/nato and director applications.
Jean Poole, Anna Spanna and Spanky
In late 1999 and 2000 I hung out with the crew at the Ninjatune studios in South London, for weekly netcast live audiovisual jams. The PirateTV slogan was “DIY psychedelic political interactive streaming zentertainment with quality content from top selectors”. The lineup would change from week to week, the mainstayers being Mike (VJ Juxta), Bongo and Matt Black (Coldcut). Sometimes live musicians would come in, I’d often do live camera for those. We netcast from Matt’s studio “Spacelab” behind the record label offices, crammed with records, instruments, decks and audiovisual gear. There was even a couple of old early synthesizers that the Doctor Who theme song was played on, I’m not sure how often they got dusted off and plugged in. The Fairlight Computer Video Instrument got a fair bit of play, as did PCs running Vjamm (running early versions of Vjamm 2 at that stage) and the Panasonic MX50 video mixers. We used Real Producer to stream out to a varying audience, encouraging folks to hop into the IRC channel to chat while we jammed.
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Fervid Flipbook (10sec, 2008) pokes fun at the stereotypical imagery and predictable body-fascism found in a pile of old gay porn magazines of the 80s. Pornography is often somewhat lacking in humour itself, though there’s plenty of humour to be found. Produced/directed by Robbie McEwan and myself for the Tape Projects Locked Groove / Flipbook project.
CHEAP (6 mins, 1995) is an off-kilter short about consumerism and desire. Two teens on a sugar-rush and a hormone-high, ache for each other across aisles of groceries, in a strange supermarket which is a hotbed of queers and shoplifters. They wanna know what love is – is romance real, or just a fantasy of manufactured appetites?
Sister Mary Clancy Of The Overflow Does Vagina Dentata (6mins 37sec, 2007) is a performance by Gaylourdes, evoking the film-theory spectre of the Vagina Dentata, at the Camp Betty Cinema in Melbourne, 2007. This clip formed the first footage for a new collaborative film project exploring the themes of the double, the film within the film, the contamination of reality by dreams and the voyage in time.
Mostar Trek (10mins, 2001) is an experimental/documentary of the PirateTV CAN-DU tour of the former Yugoslavia in 2001, produced for the Mixmasters series (Addictive TV) screened on ITV and internationally.
Glitch Western (2min 9 sec, 2003) is a snippet from an audiovisual performance by Spoole (Anna Helme aka Spanna, Sean Healy aka Jean Poole, Andrew Sargent aka FutureEater) at Electrofringe 2003. The Glitch Western show was like a remix of the cinematic motifs and techniques of the Western, but also an examination of man and nature, and the impact of the pioneering (colonising) spirit on the environment – in the wild west, but also here in Australia.
Electric Dreams – Act 1 (1 min 40 sec, 2004) is a clip from the Artesian AV Arkestra’s performance of “Electric Dreams” for Nextwave 2004. The Artesian AV Arkestra was Anna Helme, Louise Terry, Paul Bourke and Michael Prior. “Electric Dreams” was a colourful genre-hopping hybrid theatre / audiovisual performance piece commissioned for the Nextwave festival.