Doctor Fibonace’s Patented Heart Mending Machine

By October 14, 2008Art Projects, Photography

I had to do a storyboard in photographs for my film school application recently. We were given three topics to choose from, I chose to do it about the topic “x-ray”. I reworked some characters from an idea Jennie Herbertson and I were working on together sometime ago, after being inspired on a windy holiday on the east coast of Tasmania. I asked my muse, Paul Bourke (of Paul Bourke and the Broken Heart) to be in the photos, even before I knew what the story was. He’s my muse I’ve decided, so that’s how it works :{)

Here’s the story in a slideshow for your viewing pleasure:

A bunch of my lovely friends helped out on the shoot, both in it and out of it. Much love going out to them! And the location was provided by the kindly hosts at Forepaw, much adored venue of shitcore Tasmanian bands and art and things u don’t get to see much other places, sadly closing it’s doors soon!


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