

Continental Drift DV Footage

By | Current Projects, Film Projects, Photography, Short Video | No Comments

Things have been very quiet on this blog for months, as I’ve been in pre/production for my short film Continental Drift. Plenty of interesting stories to tell from the process, but for now, while still in post, here’s a snippet about some of the footage we have been collecting for the project.

Most of the film is shot on Super 16mm film, however the protagonist, Adele, shoots video on her DV handycam throughout the film – a comment on how she as somebody with intimacy issues mediates her experiences through the camera, and the voyeuristic nature of being a tourist, as well as a way of getting inside her head as a character. Most of the time the footage is diagetic, inherent to the film, as video she or others is clearly shooting as part of the action. At some other particular times we are using DV footage as emotional atmospheres.

Michael Williams, our wonderful DOP, and myself went down to the bay in Melbourne last weekend to capture some sunset over the water and later the moon, both important textures in the film. Speaking of textures, some of the way the DV camera handles the light on water and other parts of the landscape is just beautiful! Who really needs all that resolution, all the time? This is ungraded, raw DV handycam footage.

Some pictures of our expedition…

Michael Williams, DOP, Fine Art Photographer, Beach Lover

Michael Williams, DOP, Fine Art Photographer, Handycam Appreciator

Emcee Battle of the Werdz Nerdz

By | Photography | No Comments

Final shooting finished on my current short film production “Scrabbled Eggs” a week ago, but I haven’t had time to post the photos from our photoshoot until now as I’ve been busy working on my classmates’ shoots since then. These photos are a few I picked out from the photoshoot we did in Collingwood a couple of weeks back, I’m real happy with how they turned out, mostly thanks to my most wacky friends who were kind enough to be in it :{) This sequence features the two main characters Missy Spelling-It (Eva Pears) and Thesaurius B.I.G. (Ryan Burrett) along with their respective posses played by Texta, Katie, Doushka, Crystal, Ben Hastie, Ben Stegh, Dan and Lachlan. These photos aren’t the exact snaps I’ll be using in the film, or in the exact order, but you get the idea.

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Doctor Fibonace’s Patented Heart Mending Machine

By | Art Projects, Photography | No Comments

I had to do a storyboard in photographs for my film school application recently. We were given three topics to choose from, I chose to do it about the topic “x-ray”. I reworked some characters from an idea Jennie Herbertson and I were working on together sometime ago, after being inspired on a windy holiday on the east coast of Tasmania. I asked my muse, Paul Bourke (of Paul Bourke and the Broken Heart) to be in the photos, even before I knew what the story was. He’s my muse I’ve decided, so that’s how it works :{)

Here’s the story in a slideshow for your viewing pleasure:

A bunch of my lovely friends helped out on the shoot, both in it and out of it. Much love going out to them! And the location was provided by the kindly hosts at Forepaw, much adored venue of shitcore Tasmanian bands and art and things u don’t get to see much other places, sadly closing it’s doors soon!

Bushranger’s Gospel Update

By | Books, Photography

We just got the photos back from our shoot with Hunter. They turned out! Here is Hunter studiously reading Ned in his impromptu bush schoolroom.


Now we just need to work out which shots to use, and place the text around it. Jennie will be making and hand-binding the books with Marta in the next couple of months.

The Ten Commandments of Bushrangery

By | Art Projects, Books, Photography

This is a work in progress, a photo-shoot cum handmade-book project for my godson, Hunter. It’s a collaboration between Killer, Jennie and myself, with Ross and Hunter as the unwitting father and son who are come upon in the middle of the bush one day while out on a fishing expedition. Killer and I are the lady bushrangers who kidnap Hunter while his father isn’t looking, and take him into the woods for a few lessons in the art of bushrangery and some schooling in the gospel according to Ned Kelly.

We’re hoping to have the book finished and exhibited some time in 2008.
